Get motivated to take enthusiastic action that will help you turn that dream into reality. One step at a time and you will surely achieve anything.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Weakest Link

Our local Poet. What do you think? Please leave a comment

Monday, October 12, 2009

Smile, damn you Smile!!

You may be in a rush. Getting STUFF done. Life is just a rush. No time for anyone.
Sometimes I smile at people and they smile back. Odd times they ask me "What are you laughing at?"

Remember how you act towards people can make you friends, close an order and make you feel great yourself. Smile and the world smiles with you - cry and you cry alone.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Longer is better!

Thought for today:
People often say that motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily. Zig Ziglar

Longer is better!
We are all used to e-mail and for many of us the art of letter writing is getting lost. And of course e-mails are often badly spelt or worse use text-talk which many people don't understand. I'd seriously suggest that you get back to writing letters in business because we all love getting post - and if it's relevant and interesting then we'll read it. Letters will also re-enforce e-mails and other communications.
Should letters be long or short? Many people tell me that they like short letters because they haven't time to read long ones.

“A long letter is better than a short one? That’s rubbish. I don’t
bother with long letters” Wrong! A long letter will be discarded by
many people because they just aren’t interested in the product or
service, find the letter complicated or difficult to read or decide it
reflects badly on the sender because of style or grammar.

A long letter written properly will allow the recipient to find out about the product/service quickly. If they like it they’ll then read the body of the letter to see all the benefits. Once they’ve seen enough they’ll make a judgement and discard or go to the next stage. The letter should be informal yet grammatically correct. Use short sentences. Always use the same typeface family. This will make reading easier.
• Use some bold or italic text but not more than a dozen words per page
• Use bullets like this as soon as possible. It is easier to read and draws the eye
• Use short words, sentences and paragraphs
• Write about benefits not features. Nobody wants to know a watch was made through traditions running back three generations.: they want to know it looks good,is competitively priced, works well and keeps good time.
• Underline important points but not with more than a dozen words a page
Sign letters in a firm hand that is readable. I use a different signature for business to cheques for example. My letter signature is readable and bold.
Use a different colour ink to the text. A blue is favourite. It won’t look as if
it’s been printed or copied. Highlight a very important point such as a free offer or deadline. Put a handwritten comment on the first page to make it more personal. Even if you are sending out thousands you can personalise them – talk to your printer.
Always write a postscript. We ALL open a letter, read the first line and then go straight to the end. Put your best benefit or any free offer in the postscript. “You’ll get our lifetime guarantee if you take action now. Remember the details we wrote about?” No of course they don’t remember but they’ll look through the letter to find what they’ve missed.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Local Business Card has been ticking over slowly and now the time has come to crack it.

Sign up today. You have just about 3 months to try for free. Think of the savings you can make before the end of the year.

Nandos in Wind Street are offering a free bottomless soft drink with every cover you order (worth £1.95 each).

Taybarns are offering a free cover and bottle of wine when you book a party of 10 or more. And they've got a special student deal now at £4.99 without a card.

Zaal Indian Restaurant in Sketty are offering a 10% discount plus free coffee.

If you have a business you'll get a bucket-load of free e-mails you can send for free if you sign up to an account. And there's no monthly subscription, just down-to-earth value-for-money and a great product.

Beach Software, Star in a Jar, Atech Graphics, Valley Accountants, Best of Swansea and many other suppliers are offering discounts or special packages.

Getting a card is free. Sign up on the website now.

And to become a merchant and get some great publicity do the same, it's free for the rest of the year.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Taybarns Hotel join the Swansea Business

Taybarns Restaurant are on board with the Swansea Business Show and the Local Business Card. Watch out for a big announcement.
Meanwhile take a look at this video. If you like food you'll love Taybarns.

If you'd like to have a 40 week marketing and sales e-course take a look at the Forum by clicking here

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Why Social Media?

The Marketing Mix Roadshow at the LC on Oystermouth Road last Tuesday was a well organised event that was really focussed for the tourist industry with good speakers in the seminars and a wide range of exhibitors. The LC is huge and the 40 or so stands weren't lost but were certainly not crammed in. It is well suited for the Swansea Business Show on Friday 12th March and I hope to see you there.

Meanwhile back to basics and on to new media - social media. New for some but old hat for others.

I believe it's so important that we must learn. I've found this audio book that'll give you some ideas that you can listen to in the car, whilst waiting, out and about or wherever.

Don't forget your future is in your hands.
If there is anything I can do to help your promoter your business then call me.

Hope you enjoy this short video. Your comments will be appreciated.