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Friday, September 30, 2011

What a load of rubbish

Eric Pickles, the English Local Government Secretary has annjounced today that weekly refuse collections will be re-introduced across England. Over 170 local councils now have fortnightly collections and there are mixed feelings. Some folk think that the fortnightly collections are a backward step encouraging vermin and causing fly-tipping and smell. Whilst others feel that the suggested quarter £billion cost could be used better in other areas with the cuts facing cash-strapped councils.

Does this mean we might see Swansea follow?

How is recycling really going? Are we meeting our targets? What are the facts? I noticed yesterday that there are several black bags outside some homes. And I read somewhere that the accepted number is just two black bags a fortnight. For a family of 4 that seems extremely harsh. But is it true?
Interestingly I feel that the early morning  street cleaning is one of the best council services  know. These guys work in all weathers and remove last nights debris. My only concern is the ammount of chewing gum on some pavements. 

Your comments are welcome.

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