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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Place of outstanding beauty or Dank and Derelict

Swansea is a city of contrasts. Sweeping golden beaches, a magnificent marina, pedestrianised Oxford Street or the High Street. take yor pick. Indeed as far as the High Street is concerned take your pick and shovel.

We will never get back those days when the High Street was so central to Swansea. Where both road and pavement were jam packed. Where all the shops were full and thriving. An era of bye-gone days. 
But that doesn't the end of the High Street. Willthe Concil take up the challenge today or leave until tomorrow (which never comes)? 

One question needing an answer is are the owners of these properties paying Business Rates? If not why not? If so then they must feel they are throwing money away. 

What do you think? I'd love to get a response or a Council reply. Come on folks sitting out is for the weak. Lets get strong together and get the action needed today. Your support is needed now.

It seems that the new Coastal complex will be an oasis in a sea of despair.

Book tickets to see Cappuchino Girls at the Evening Post Theatre in the Coastal Complex on the High Street for an experience that is just something difference. Support local talent


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