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Monday, August 08, 2016

Uplands Street Market 3rd Year Anniversary

Hi Folks

The Uplands Street Market in Swansea runs every month and is celebrating it's third year. Sketty is an up and coming part of town with places to eat and socialise. 

   Uplands Monthly Street Market
It is an important community project bringing many home grown and small businesses together. Here is where you'll find locally produced cheeses with someone who can talk about them with authority. There are bakers who've been working all night to bring you a wide variety of unusual breads, cakes and other sweet goodies. You'll find artists, potters and crafts galore.

Take a look at their website for more details  

Mike Leahy

You may be interested to know that I need new equipment to carry out this project together with my other community filming and that I am currently looking for funds through crowdfunding. If you have enjoyed this and the other films coming along and you feel like making a donation of any size please go to

  • Make a donation of any amount and you'll be mentioned in the credits on at least one film.
  • Give £50 and be invited to the premier showing. Venue, date and time to be announced but it will be in the Swansea area.
  • Give at least £100 and receive a personalised DVD of a selection of completed films and invitation to the premier
  • Give £1000 and we'll make a short film for you subject to feasibility.

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