Gower Show 2016
Enjoy this very short film of the Gower Show. There was so much going on and to see that I was disappointed to have to leave so early due to other commitments. This show, celebrating it's 99th anniversary is a real draw and was packed with crowds drawn from far and wide.
There are fewer shows every year around the UK but the support in here in Gower does mean that the future looks good and with the centenary coming up next year I'd be surprised if it wasn't really special. It's difficult to imagine life around a century ago when this was the major highlight of the year for the the local population. When life was hard and days were long. When there was no television or radio so entertainment was home grown and communications were difficult. Meeting up at the Show was to hear about births and deaths, marriages and more. Where the church or chapel and market were central to village life. Where the best clothes saw the light of day and men attended the Show, even on a sweltering day, dressed in the Sunday suit, shirt and tie, and of course the obligatory hat.
The above video was produced in 2011.
I am building up a collection of 100 short films celebrating life as seen from grass-roots. So if you have a hobby, an interesting story, an achievement, belong to a group or want to tell me about your memories then get in touch. Once I have reached the 100 target I will consider the next level. Your support is most appreciated.
You may be interested to know that I need new equipment to carry out this project together with my other community filming and that I am currently looking for funds through crowdfunding. If you have enjoyed this and the other films coming along and you feel like making a donation of any size please go to https://crowdfunding.justgiving.com/Future-Past.
- Make a donation of any amount and you'll be mentioned in the credits on at least one film.
- Give £50 and be invited to the premier showing. Venue, date and time to be announced but it will be in the Swansea area.
- Give at least £100 and receive a personalised DVD of a selection of completed films and invitation to the premier
- Give £1000 and we'll make a short film for you subject to feasibility.
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