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Friday, October 14, 2011

An Opportunity to bring Shoppers to town

We should be planning for bigger better shopping experience
Can't we make the Winter Wonderland and Christmas Lights launch a bigger better experience like they are in Cardiff


Cardiff, named the 6th best shopping centre in the UK is planning a dazzling launch to the festive (lets call it Christmas and forget the local authority fear and political correctness) celebrations with a full day of free entertainment backed by the city centre traders.
Swansea should be focussed already on such an event. It looks like spending will be down as consumers tighten their belts so a bump start could be a great idea. What are BID doing? We need to climb up the ladder and become a shopping centre that visitors look forward to.

Swansea must stop being the bus pick-up point for Cardiff.

Why don't we have living statues around the city bringing some life!!  Why don't we have some real statues of local heroes? These could be the product of a local competition. And perhaps they could be sited for a couple of months and changed. With the huge number of creative artists in the area this is could be a great focal point.

Go to London and walk along the Bayswater Road. Why don't we have artists displaying their work on a Sunday morning along the High Street or in the park in front of the waterfront museum. Or even along Oxford Street. What a draw that would be. You could even have an artists quarter where artists are working outside like in the Montmartre area of Paris

You have to start somewhere and sometime. So why hasn't this been done before? Why can't it be up and running in a couple of weeks? Why can't the council just a few weeks? Local artists would love this and it wouldn't cost the council anything. Charge a few pounds if necessary: just a nominal amount  and certainly nothing for bonefide students at local colleges and universities.

Get rid of the paperwork. KISS - keep it simple, stupid. Issue licenses at £20 that are valid for 8 weeks as a starter. If it works - as it will - and bingo you will soon be drawing in more visitors. Don't be greedy. Look upon this as an investment.

Come on Swansea.This could be the beginning of something really big. Lets get those visitors excited and turn the tide so Cardiff folk come here.

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