Concerned about whether coaching and courses will work for you? Here are some comments from satisfied clients.
Rachael Flanagan of Mrs Bucket Cleaning Co and the current UK Young Entrepreneur of the Year (beating over 1500 other hopefuls) said:
“Mike runs great seminars. I learn new ideas about sales and marketing every time we meet and they always work”
“Mike runs great seminars. I learn new ideas about sales and marketing every time we meet and they always work”
Nick Everest of Visual360Wales said:
“I found our meeting interesting and you were inspirational”
“I found our meeting interesting and you were inspirational”
Barbara Collier of Collier Photo Imaging said:
“Mike Leahy has advised myself and my staff on marketing, motivation and merchandising . . he has a world of experience and gives his time generously. I would not hestiate to recommend him to any business or individual needing to increaee their turnover. His cheery smile, wonderful enthusiasm and eldless markerting ideas are absolutely invaluable”
Some content for the first few weeks that will get you off on a fast-track start include:
Any project needs planning. Then you need the tools and materials. You will be building your business with these bricks to have a firm structure that will last.
Any project needs planning. Then you need the tools and materials. You will be building your business with these bricks to have a firm structure that will last.
Are you Motivated? Many people say they’ll succeed: without strong self-motivation there is no way. How to get and stay motivated starting today.
Visualisation. What is it and how can you use it to become ultra successful?
Get Organised. Lets start as we mean to go on. Without organisation you’ll never reach your goals in life. And there is no set way to be organised only golden rules.
Back to Basics. Before you can go forward you need to look over your shoulder and see where you’ve come from. You also need to look at the maths equation that will tell you whether you have a chance to succeed. No you don’t have to do any complicated algebra!!
All about Canvassing. Why do you need to canvass? What methods can you use? What is best for you? Canvassing is both a big “No! No!” and a numbers game.
Carry out a SWOT Analysis. Read the instructions and follow the template: you’ll then work it out for yourself
Use a Diary. Many don’t use diaries properly. A diary is the signpost and results of your Business or Marketing Plan. A diary is the place where you must be honest with yourself.
CRM System. This is free and will allow more than one person access. Great for running teams, using a virtual assistant and generally keeping ahead of the game.
Action Plan introduction. You’ll see how important a forward running Action Plan is to keep you in front of the game. You’ll get a template that you can use week on week, month on month.
The Day Book your best £5 investment. Buy a Day Book today and you can use your brain in a more constructive way.
The YOU brand. Lets be honest. Why do people buy from your business? The answer should be a personal one.
Complete the Hidden Asset Audit. This 26 pages questionnaire will help you see strengths and weaknesses in your own marketing
Write Marketing Plan Part One. So now to write out the Marketing Plan that’s going to shoot
you up to the stars. Part one however is getting the background information. Unfortunately this is the boring bit so lets get it out of the way first.
Getting that order - the numbers game. If converting prospects into customers may be an art then working out the number of orders you’ll get is quite a science. You’ll love it when people say “No!”
Selling success is a conversation piece. I’ve loved selling for the past 45 years. It has been an experience to meet so many interesting people, to hear their stories, to ask them questions and to finally get that order signed. Most people hate selling – I’ll show you how to love it!
Getting calls. Mobile, Answering Service, Pager, Joint Ventures. When someone calls your phone they want to talk to a person. Maybe you can’t afford a receptionist. Well there are some great alternatives. And I bet one of these is for you.
Looking Great. Do you look the part? These tips alone will increase you confidence and add inches to your personality.
Canvassing to suit your Business. There are many ways to generate interest in your
services and products. Calling people by phone, writing, sending e-mails, texts or calling in person on them at work are just some ways. Lets find out what suits you.
Canvassing by Phone Part 1. Telephone canvassing is hard work that most people hate. Done well by experienced canvassers can be enjoyable, stress free and very rewarding. What are the key secrets? How can you succeed? Part One will get you started.
Canvassing Sheet. This template will get you started and enable you to keep tabs on what you are doing. Remember! Number crunching shines the way forward.
Door-to-Door Canvassing Part 1. Going out and calling on businesses was the rage in the sixties. Now it’s back and bringing in the results. We’ve forgotten the importance of personal face-to-face contact. Try these proven techniques and win through time after time
5x3 Cards. Forget your Blackberry or I-phone. Index cards can be a secret weapon in relationship selling.
Canvassing schedule. You’ve got to set yourself targets. Make your pledge today and I promise you’ll see positive results fast.
Write Marketing Plan Part Two. We’ve seen where we are now lets look at where we want to be. This is your blueprint.
Facebook, Twitter, Linkin and more. If you haven’t used any of these get onto the site and look at some of the pages. You may have to register as a member but it’s free so just do it. Make sure you use the same name – your name to build up your personal branding. More about this later.
Want to grow your business with this COMPREHENSIVE SALES & MARKETING COURSE? Then just Click here
Good luck with your sales
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