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Sunday, August 29, 2010

10 Building Blocks to Dramatically Increase Your Profits

This is just on an overview of some simple basics that you should work on in your business. Get the basics right and the rest will look itself.

Get a website
Over 72% of consumers now use the internet rather than Yellow Pages or Directory Enquiries. A website helps people know, like and trust you - then they'll buy. But apart from prospective customers checking you out others may want to buy on-line. There are many factors that you should consider with a website
but it is bettter to have a poor website than one at all, provided you plan to make improvements as a priority. Websites should be constantly adjusted and improved.

Give Something Free  
Give something free to and you are halfway to the sale. Well! Not exactly half way but you'll get prospective customers to pause and look twice. With the thousands of sales messages we are all bomabared with daily you need to get yourself noticed. A freebie is a good way. And it can be used in a number of ways to get more business, lead the reader forward or get information.

Contact 50 new businesses each week and talk to the MAN
You've got to get out and tell to sell. Regular phone canvassing guarantees an increase in potential sales. You may need to change that target depending on a number of factors. But start today and make those adjustments as necessary. If you haven't done this before be ready for a surprise, lots of "no's" but when you hit a "yes" it's all worthwhile.

Networking is a way to get your message out to local businesses and build up a referral system. Look for Free opportunities, events that you can go to for free, exhibitions where you can networkwith the exhibitors. Networking is a sure-fire way to get new business but not usually from those you talk to but from people they know. Always ask "who do you know that could use this product/service?". Networking is an art. Not many people know how but those who do certainly do get new business.

Have a Newsletter
This keeps prospects and existing customers hot and interested in your products. The newsletter can be on-line or printed. The former is free or low-cost but these usually don't get read by that many people, no matter how interesting. The latter are often read by more than 1 person but there is the printing cost and postage.

Start an appropriate advertising campaign
There are several ways to advertise without spending large sums on newspapers, radio, TV or Yellow Pages.You don't need large expensive adverts. The very smaklest offering a free report are winners and usually open the door for you.

Build a Prospect List
Some people are ready to buy now whilst others won't buy for weeks, months or years.  Manage your list and keep each prospect alive.Grade each propsect into hot, warm and cold. Put in dates when you want to contact them to take them to the next stage. Keep a prospect sheet.

Maintain good records
Good records will ensure you keep on top and get the order. You need to keep records on prospects and when they will probably buy, individual records for each prospects and customer, sales records, activity records and a diary.

Keep Trying New Ideas
Nothing stands still so even if you feel you're are doing well you need to be innovative. Both new products and new selling methods will grow your business.

There will be updates and more in-depth articles to help you. 

All these ideas will improve your business provided you Take Positive Action.

Want to grow your business? Then click here

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