Over and over I am finding that businesses are ignoring, ignorant about, or forgetting marketing basics. And it is the basics that will drive any business forward and ahead of the competition. It seems a no-brainer that these are the essential elements and usually either low-cost or indeed no-cost.
And so I’m setting out to push my concept and help any business-person who will read and participate in this blog and the ideas that are brought out.
If you want to finally crunch the credit-crunch (watch out for the infamous cuts we are expecting that will affect everyone) or if you want push the boundaries then I’d hope this will get you going. Please give me some feed-back and let me know how you are doing. Help me prove that you can increase your profits and improve your cash-flow through using simple techniques. The theme will be enthusiasm, positive attitude and action. Without these you can try all the ideas under the sun and still fail. Who said give me an average enthusiastic man and ‘ll make him a success? If it hasn’t been said already then I’m saying it now.
To get started you’ll need to think about your customers, who are they, why do they buy your products and what would they buy in addition? Don’t spend too long writing a huge report. Use an A4 sheet – ring up some of your customers and talk to them. Ask if they can spare a few minutes and give you some feed-back on how they found your products or services. What did they like best? Did they have any ideas to make improvements? Why did they choose to use you?
By asking these questions you’ll learn about yourself and your business, you’ll see how you can make positive changes and most importantly you’ll begin to build up better customer relations. Why not invite them onto your Customer Review Panel and tell them you’ll send out occasional e-mails with a question or two. But you can also send out information about new services and products.