Get motivated to take enthusiastic action that will help you turn that dream into reality. One step at a time and you will surely achieve anything.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

At last - Goodbye Bush

Barack Obama's inauguration day is today!

Will this be a new beginning for the USA?

What about the UK?

Every day it seems we are being led by the blind, spoken to by the dumb and listened to by the deaf.

Every day the banks seem to be reaping a harvest of golden crops glistening in the fields of human endeavour. Our endevours. And I understand the top guys are still getting golden truck-loads of cash. For what? For drowning the UK in a sea of uncontrolled debt.

And the government seem to be drafting in anyone whom they believe can safe the ship. But isn't the ship listing too far? Aren't we just going to overfill the life-boats? Who will be brought ouit of retirement next? Worse still is the government going to hide under Barack Obama's coat and as he takes off try and cling to his coat tails. If it does I guess they probably be so shaken by his rapid progress that they'll possible fall off in an unbalanced way.

What we need is a charismatic figure-head that will inspire us by their singular focus and motivation, openness and forward thinking. Is there such a person? Nobody springs to mind.

And so small businesses will begin to suffer as the unemployed numbers rise and larger organisations flounder. So now is the time to look for opportunities and promote yourself & your business.

Think about your website.

  • Does it have your details, tel number and e-mail on the top banner on every page?

  • Does it tell a story and give benefits in the opening visible part of the screen?

  • Do you keep it up to date and full of good material?

  • Can you buy off the site if applicable?

  • Is your web-address mentioned on all your literature ad stationery?
Think about it.

If I can help you promote your business contact me.

Keep busy and productive.

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