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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dagwoods Sandwich Bar & Cafe

Am I becoming obsessive with food? Probably yes since opening up Dagwoods Sandwich Bar and Café a couple of months ago. It's one of the smallest cafés in Swansea with just two standard tables and two high ones. But we are now picking up custom from local residents, business people and students. One of my customers very kindly drew this cartoon of me holding a baguette and sharp knive. I'm getting an A3 size copy framed on the wall, hoping it doesn't become a target for darts or knives!!! 
We have found that many customers from the original Dagwoods are coming in and then coming back so we must be doing something right. Our meatball baguette is a full 11ins long and full of spicy meatballs covered in a cheese melt with a selection from the salad bar and choice of sauces (although the hot chillies sauce is favourite). The price is less than it was a year ago and there are more meatballs so this is a winner. I was fortunate enough to pick up the original recipe and so the tradition goes on. Many customers are now picking them up on their way to work or back home whilst others like to eat in and have a coffee. We serve filter coffee in individual cafetieres, latte, cappuccino or espresso and find they are all equally popular. I can remember when you had coffee black or white and usually instant. How things have changed. Are we becoming more sophisticated or is this a marketing ploy by coffee houses, or am I getting old?
The original Dagwood was a cartoon character from around 100 years ago who was in the habit of creeping downstairs and making a sandwich from whatever was available in the fridge. A "Dagwood" is still recognised as an enormous sandwich. Whether that is where the café name originated from or not I don't know but it started back in about 1985 so I'm guessing. Anyway it is a talking point. More on this later.
And later will include my views on social, community and other issues that are bugging me right now. Am I turning into a Grumpy Old Man!!

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