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Thursday, November 08, 2012

Out and about with SwanTV

SwanTV up and running. Not just running but racing to get the first programme up in the New Year. In fact as early as January.

Now with Mike Scott on board and partnering up we have both creative juices and technical genius to bring the best that Swansea Bay has to offer.

And we have covered a few events already so that we can put together a Showcase of what's to come.

Here we are at the Admiral 10k run where we spoke with the some of the front runners and winners. We caught a glimse of the mascots as they sped past us as if running through a sea of treacle.Well done guys!!

Then off to St Mary's Church where there was an Open Day. Whether a church goer or not this was an opportunity to see inside the church, pick up a coffee and look around, or climb the 129 steps to the top of the tower for some spectacular views.

We were given a tour and had an interview with the Treasurer on the battlement like top. You can see from these pictures that this is a great vantage point looking right across to the Brecon Beacons in the far distance.

I'm sure you'll be able to pick out the buildings around the city.

We looked in at the bells on the way up (thankfully appreciating the break).

With the changing face of the City with businesses closing down or re-locating it was good to see the new Polish Bakery and Cafe opening up in Cradock Street, city centre. The smell of fresh bread is compelling when you pass: the taste is yummy!

Art across the City continues. This is in Castle Square. The plaque will give other locations and dates. Well worth going on the tour and seeing what our local artists are doing.

And finally we are ramping up on posts now and getting some respectable number of views every day. Our new website is almost there and you can get your business out there. Ask about out peanut intro rates, no monkeying around!!

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