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Monday, August 08, 2011

What's on Offer in Singleton park this month

Botanics in Bloom 2011


image depicting Botanics in Bloom 2009

1 - 31 August, Singleton Botanical Gardens, Singleton park

We say with such huge open parks such as Singleton that Swansea has just about everything within walking distance (or at least a short bus ride) from beach, castle, shopping centre, open parkland, large indoor market, gardens, woodland and small urban villages.

Wherever we live we all say the same thing "Oh! I've never been there! or "Haven't been there since I was a kid!" With healthy living at the forefront of the search for a longer better life this is the opportunity to get some easy exercise and enjoy some interesting sights.

Singlton Park is full of surprises from the Sunday afternoon music, plants for sale, a perfect place to take the kids biking, a picnic or a simple stroll. t's agreat time to think things through in peace. And it's a fact that when you exercise yor brain becomes more creative. Don't beleive me? Get out to Singleton Park and discover nature and maybe your inner self too.

To contact the Dog Training call Liz Ellis on 01792 798962

Botanics in Bloom is celebrated every year throughout August when the Botanical Gardens in Singleton Park are in full bloom and at their most spectacular. 
During this time you can see many specimens of rare and exotic plants from all over the world, as well as more traditional plants. 
There will also be a variety of events including children's entertainment, brass band concerts, guided tours, workshops, demonstration and plant sales.
A visit to the gardens in August is a must so come along and join in with the fun activities and celebrate Botanics in Bloom.

Main Programme of Events 

Band Concerts:
Sundays 3.00pm – 5.00pm
Relax in the beautiful surroundings of the gardens whilst being entertained by some of Swansea's finest bands. 
7 Aug  City of Swansea concert band
14 Aug  Constellation Big Band
21 Aug Morriston Big band
28 Aug Swansea Accordion Orchestra
FreeImage depicting Cacti and succulents in the Bots

Children's activities:

Mondays 1pm - 4pm (excludes Bank Holiday),

Sundays 3pm - 5pm (includes Bank Holiday)

There are so many activities to keep the children happy.  Monday session includes arts & crafts, an entertainer and face painting.
Mondays - £ 0.50 all inclusive with entertainer (unfortunately we can't guarantee that every child will get their face painted due to time constraints)
Here are a list of children's entertainers that will be present every Monday throughout Botanics in Bloom and will be providing a range of activities and entertainment from magic shows and storytelling to clowns and glove puppets;
Monday 1 - Diamond Dust
Monday 8 - Mike Church
Monday 15 - Loopy Loo
Monday 22 - Mr Bubbles
Every Sunday - Free (arts & crafts and face painting)

Guided tours of the gardens with slideshow:

Tuesdays and Thursdays 2.00pm – 4.00pm.*

A guided tour is a great way to explore the magnificent gardens and experience all they have to offer.  Guided tours for 10+ people can be arranged at £1.50 per person, which can be booked any time.
Adults £1.50, children £0.50
(*meet at main gate)

Bird and wildlife slideshow and tours with an experienced wildlife guide:

Wednesdays 10.00am – 12noon.*

Discover the wonderful variety of birds and wildlife that live in the Botanical Gardens.  An experienced guide will take you to all the best spots to catch a glimpse of the gardens' inhabitants.
Adults £1.50, children £0.50
(*meet at Ty'r Blodau)

Image depicting Marigold bedding Workshops and demonstrations

 Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm

Have you ever wanted guidance on garden design? Or perhaps you would like to learn about growing vegetables? If so, there is bound to be something of interest for you at these workshops which incorpoarte many interesting topics.
Adults £1.50; children 50p (not suitable for very young children)

Plant sales:Saturdays 10.00am – 2.00pm

The extremely popular plant sales, organised by the Friends of the Botanics, offer a great opportunity to purchase high quality, locally grown plants at competitive prices.
Free admission

Rare plant sale
Sunday 21 August, 10am - 5pm
The rare plant sale will give you a chance to pick up something special for your home or garden.

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