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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Swansea Coastguards fight to keep open

7.45am went to Mumbles to try and speak with Sir Alan Massey, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency Chief Executive but he wasn't available. The sudden decision to close the Swansea Coastguard operation came as a shock to everyone living in the area. In the announcement it seemed to me that the arguement was not to do with the location but on two other factors. Firstly it was stated that there were enough employees from the Government Dept working in the area and it is felt that this is an excuse and cover for the loss, and secondly the heavy campaign at Fishguard may have tipped the scales on which station to close. It seems that locally the decision was not even considered. Or was it?  There are support and campaigning groups now and  understand the Facebook group closed today because it was full!

This is a vital service that does save lives. As an area of outstanding beauty and such a magnet to tourists with a whole range of outside water activities this service is not just necessary but essential. Please support

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