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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welsh English Tactile Signs limited stock

ALL SIGNS £8 incl post in UK send order to and we'll give payment details
In contradiction to common belief over 97% of people who are registered blind can recognise tactile signs from a distance but may not be able to read them. Many have blurred vision which will allow them to identify an outline and colour so that they need to know where they should be looking and at what. 

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We have a selection of the most common tactile signs on our separate page. Take a look. We have made them as cheap as chips so there's no reason not to use them in your business. Tactile signs are one of the most visual adjustments you can make and help not only visually impaired people but everyone because they are designed to be easily identified and read.

All tactile signs comply with legislation and best practice. All, unless otherwise stated are bi-lingual in Welsh & English. All have raised text and symbol (where applicable) and bi-lingual Braille.

All signs are in blue, unless otherwise stated, and have  contrasting white text, symbols and border so that they are easy to identify.There is an indent raised white arrow head marking at the beginning of the Braille so that it can be easily identified. All signs are made of a durable long-life plastic, vacuum formed to be usef both indoors and outside. They come with a self-adhesive peel-off backing sitable for most surfaces but can be screwed for added security.

Signs should all be located at a standard height of 1750mm from floor level so as to be easily distinguished and at a suitable height for both tall people and wheelchair users.

There are many other access issues associated with sight impairment and the Access Audit Co can help and advise you on overcoming this. Call 07976 827959 for a realistic and pragmatic approach.

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