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Saturday, November 06, 2010

Christmas Campaigns are getting earlier each year

Many years ago one of my daughters went to Australia at the beginning of October so we had an early Chrismas. We decked the house, even putting up a Xmas tree with lights. We had lights at the windows and outside. Was she surprised when she arrived for what she thought would just be a going-away meal. We had a great family occasion. Next day we drove her to the airport. On our return we took everything down.

Our neighbours, however, were also busy and that evening as dusk dropped we found they'd put up their Chrisrmas decorations!1 I guess we had just taken them unawares. It's impossible to know what went through their minds when they saw we'd taken everything down again!!

Have you ever had a similar experience?

But now is time to get cracking if you haven't already done so. With Christmas just a few short weeks away people are beginning tio think about gifts and presents. And of course with many looking to tighten their belts spending could go either way. It could be austere or there could be a build-up as people might think "Lets have a good one this  year and it's going to be harder next" 

Do you like the Xmas photo of the hand and bauble? I've found a great website with thousands of images you can use free so long as you include a bye-line or link. Go to This photo is by Salvatore Vuono. These images will brighten up any text.

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