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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First Seminar took place this morning. Feedback here.

Today I ran the promised first small seminar for six business owners. It lasted about 80 minutes and was really interactive. The feed-back I've had has been good and  I've included an e-mail I received from Richard Smith of RClean Window Cleaning Services who attended, and whom I have worked with during the last 12 months. We have decided to follow up with another meeting to continue with the seminar as there is still a cave full of information to give out and discuss.

We actually covered just 4 pages of the 36 page manual I have written and used over the last few years. It is a comprehensive course that covers most aspects of business apart from most finacial aspects.

Richard wrote "Well mike it was another good meeting and I always take home with me a little more knowledge each time. I can't wait until the 16th to continue the group talk.
I must give my testiment to a marvelous marketing and business advisor, Mike leahy. Yes you did read that correct it's Mike leahy. His practical advice will improve any business. A business that wants to gain more business will always thrive by investing time with Mike Leahy.

My faith in Mike started after my business Rclean which offers window cleaning and pressure washing services in South Wales started to lose business because of the recession, and me being rather ill with undiagnosed sleep aponea which is now treated thankfully.  

Mike's marketing advice gave me a much better understanding of what I was doing wrong and how I needed to put in place my attention on doing the right things to gain business.
I have made big improvements and certainly learnt how to gain work business through Mike Leahy.

Thank you Mike

If you wish to call me I am always happy to have a chat about how Mike has helped me personally. signed  Richard  on 07883029588."

To visit Richard's website click here.

There is another seminar tomorrow. And I'm really looking forward to 9.15 when we start. If you are interested then drop me an e-mail at I'll consider running another series shortly. It is updated to include more about Social Media as this is now an integral part of any business. Socal Media is moving at neck-break speed and you really need to know about the basics.

Perhaps you feel travelling to Swansea is not practical. I'm now looking at producing a cd that'll include Podcasts, Pdfs and Powerpoint Presentations together with phone 1-2-1 calls. Interested? Express your interest now and I'll keep you updated. Just send an e-mail to or write a comment below.


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