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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Use automated e-mail newsletters for success

Watch out for the Marketing Mix Roadshow at The L2 Leisure Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea, SA1 3ST, on Tuesday 29th September 2009 and starting at 10.30am until 3.30pm.

Use your camera, some free software, get a blog and auto-e-marketing newsletter started and encourage visitors throughout the year. Do watch the video.

I'll be running some seminars and e-seminars on how to make the most of free and low-cost resources to benefit your business. Interested? I'm sure you are. Watch this space.

Have a look at can have a free trial. I've found it particularly good because there's no high monthly fee, just a low cost per transmission. For Just £4.95 a month you have 1000 transmissions and that could be a single newsletter or message to 1000 or say 4 newsletters to 250. In addition you can have as many groups so you want, so there could be for example "prospective customers" and "existing customers", both wanting different info. I use the system all the time. It's easy and you get all the stats you could possibly want. So you know who opens your e-mails, who clicks on links, when they open etc.

Don't forget your future is in your hands.
If there is anything I can do to help your promoter your business then call me.

Hope you enjoy this short video. Your comments will be appreciated.

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