Brand yourself continued
It's been a busy couple of weeks.
Self publicity works. I've arranged a good amount of coverage for Rachael Flanagan of Mrs Bucket Cleaning Co since which her phones have been going mad. If your business is in need of a fresh injection of inquiries to augment your canvassing then get writing press releases. Be creative.
First we had an Independant on Sunday columnist in touch but that didn't get to the printed page but we will keep trying.
Secondly I arranged for Rachael to be the Keynote Speaker at the Bright Futures Dinner at the Marriott Hotel in Swansea on hursday 12th March. The dinner was bringing Swansea Universitt students and local business together to help the students gain valuable business life-skills to help with interviews and in their journey to becoming employed.
From this we had interviews on both Swansea Sound and the Wave which you can hear below. Jackie Jobes of Bright Futures accompanied me to the Radio Station together with Mac McCaffrey from Swansea University who also gave an interview.
You can hear the interviews by clicking on the videos below.
Then a press release that I sent to the Western Mail resulted in a photographer and writer getting in touch with Rachael and "Bang!" she is featured in the Forward Wales supplement last Wednesday with a full page and photo. Forward Wales is entitled "Entrepreneurs" so it was a bit of a coup.
I also found a couple of photos in the possibly last issue of Swansea Business Life, so it pays to get out and about. I'm sorry to see the magazine go because firstly it was a good magazine, with excellent articles by local people, and secondly I had been promised an article in the next issue. Life is tough.
And the dinner on Thursday went great. I'll post up some photos.
If there's anything I can do to promote your business call me on 07976 364681.